In this seminar, we will place the sound of the gong at the center of the experience of hearing and feeling. Every gong has its own song. We can discover it, find it in an imagination and deepen it. The gong should be able to develop its protective power in a meditation or a ritual. To perceive the sound in our mind serves as a magical key to mindfulness. We create a healing space in which sound and silence can be experienced deeply and the distance between man and the world loses its meaning. Self-experience and integration into own methods like group work or yoga make this seminar especially valuable.


Requirements: Sound Massage I, Sound and Imaginary Journey I + II

Extent: 16 hours

Course fee: 240 €



Gong - Imagination and Ritual

14.-16.12.18 Gong - Imagination and Ritual, Emily Hess, 27333 Schweringen

Emily Hess

Dorfstraße 7

27333 Schweringen



Instagram:  emilyhessklangyoga

Peter Hess Institut
Fachverband Klang

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